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Selectmen Minutes 05/29/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
May 29, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Selectman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:02pm.  Chairman Colbert arrived a few minutes after 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Alleged Zoning Violation
PRESENT: Ms. Yelena Levitina

Ms. Levitina met with the Board to discuss the zoning complaint regarding the alleged commercial use of her property.  Ms. Levitina stated she is not in the dog breeding business.  She owns sixteen Caucasian Legend Shepards and has outdoor shelters for them on the property.  She may breed one litter a year but only sells one or two pups and may give another one or two away.  She also purchased bark collars for the dogs after having received complaints from neighbors about the excessive barking.  In the future Ms. Levitina would like to start a hobby farm. She is scheduled for discussion with the Planning Board regarding a Home Occupation Permit.  


Since the Board will not be meeting with Department Heads prior to the meeting scheduled with the Town Organization Committee on June 12, Lisa will send out a memo requesting three to four questions pertaining to their respective department for inclusion in the proposed on-line survey.  

The Administrator reminded the Board there are still vacancies on the Board of Adjustment, Conservation Commission and the Budget Committee.  The office has not received any response from the posted notices.

Selectman MacCleery has received a phone call from Mr. Ed O’Brien regarding junkyard permitting.  The Selectmen reviewed the law that was changed in January of 2007.  The town’s records were not extensive enough to determine at this time whether or not the location is grandfathered. The Board will need to meet with Mr. O’Brien and discuss the changes and process needed to be in compliance with the town under the new conditions for licensing.

The Board reviewed sample purchasing policies from the Local Government Center, placing specific attention to a bidding policy, and directed the Administrator to contact several surrounding towns for a policy more tailored to a town of this size.  

Page 2
BOS minutes
May 29, 2007

The Board reviewed the draft document for Construction Oversight of Center Road by the town’s engineer, CLD Engineering Consultants.  Selectman DeBold was directed to contact CLD as to the status.

The memo from the Police Chief regarding the construction details needed for the Route 4 DOT project addressed the Selectmen’s concerns. Motion Selectman MacCleery and second by Selectman DeBold to use the 2000 Ford Explorer for the 2007 construction details on Route 4 and then submit for inclusion to the State auction in the fall.  Should the explorer breakdown prior to the conclusion of the project, it will not be repaired but towed to the State auction site.  All three were in favor.  Motion carries.

Timber Tax Levies were signed on the following properties;

Map 6, lot 9 & 32 – Ellis
Map 6, lot 8A         Monroe
Map 4, lot 157        Mahlstedt
Map 2, lot 36 -        Jordan
Map 2, lot 24          Fournier
Map 2, lot 29          Levitina
Map 3, lot 34         Acorn Creek Properties
Map 9, lot 91-A     Hartley
Map 4, lot 156       Cavacco
Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

Mail and correspondence was reviewed.   The Town is still waiting for a response from the State regarding the removal of the beaver dam at Marsh Pond.  Selectman DeBold will contact the State once again.  

The Board approved the minutes of  May 22, 2007 as corrected; page 2, fifth paragraph, first sentence, replace the word replacement with maintenance.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:25PM.

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN
Lisa Stevens                                                    6/5/2007

______________________    _______________________   _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman        Richard DeBold                      Stephen MacCleery